Fantastic Four Vol 1 #256 FN+
Jul 1983
By John Byrne
With their tunnel out of the Negative Zone barrier destroyed, the Fantastic Four have no choice but to navigate their way through the highly destructive distortion field between the Negative Zone and Earth in order to return home. Any miscalculation in their attempt could mean their utter destruction as matter and anti-matter collide. Observing the field from an asteroid moored to the ship they have commandeered, Reed tries to explain the dangerous trek ahead of them. Having constructed a portable range scanner, Reed intends to get as close to the distortion field as possible in order to get a reading that will help them get back home. The rest of the Fantastic Four agree to stay by his side, destroying any asteroids that get too close to their vantage point. Tethering himself out to the edge of the distortion field, Reed takes a scan of Manhattan through the area and is horrified by what he has detected.