Battle Comics Weekly (UK) Comic Lot VG/FN


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Battle Comics Weekly (UK) Comic Lot VG/FN


61 issues of Retro Battle and Warlord with 1 issue of 2000ad

Warlord Issue 288,323,324,325,340 from 1980 – 1981

2000ad #340 from 1977

Battle Weekly 3/1/76,  28/8/76,  25/11/76,   12/12/77 ,21/5/77, 7/12/77,  6/5/78,  13/5/78,  20/5/78,  27/5/78,  3/6/78,  10/6/78,

17/6/78,  22/6/78,   1/7/78,  8/7/78,  15/7/78.  22/7/78  ,2/9/78,  9/9/78,  16/9/78,  9/12/78,  16/12/78,

10/2/79,  17/2/79,  7/4/79,  16/6/79,  20/10,79,   23/2/80,  1/3/80,  6/9/80,  13/9/80,  11/4/81,  14/11/81,  28/11/81,  5/12/81

12/12/81,  25/12/82  ,6,11/82,   15/5/82,  22/5/82,   7/8/82,  21/8/82,  28/8/82

1/1/83,   8/1/83,   22/1/83,   5/3/83,  12/3/83,   19/3/83,  26/3/83,  2 /4/83,  9/4/83,  26/12/83,  15/5/83


Additional information

Weight 4 kg
Dimensions 28 × 18 × 12 cm